Late Night Phone Call CD and Digital Release Out Now

“Late Night Phone Call” by Kattt Atchley

From the brainchild of Kattt Atchley, Edgetone Records and others have erected a 15-track collection of original musical pairings, each one using Kattt’s brief, haunting humming-melody, “Late Night Phone Call (Original)“.

The set of pieces covers a rich and wide range of reactions to the melody, each one unique and composed with loving attention, specifically to the melodic subject. Each of the tracks is composed by a different person, most of us based in the Bay Area, including track #14 It’s Only Hummin by yours truly. The opportunity was an unexpected gift for me (and I bet some of my composer compatriots on the collection would agree).

Mikee Labash provided the graphic design for the release and it also includes some beautiful, whimsical artwork by Kattt, Alice Wu, and Dan Plonsey. Hats off to Myles Boison who wrangled the pieces and mastered the release. Nice job, thank you!

The release is available in both streaming and hardcopy (CD) formats. For all the info and access to the results, please check out Late Night Phone Call.

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